Saturday, July 27, 2013

#3 - Skydive

My instructor, Corey, pulled the rope and the parachute shot out of his backpack, jerking us upward as it halted the free fall. I scanned the landscape below me. I could see the Seattle Space Needle, granted it looked the size of a bean, as well as all other cities in the surrounding area. Mount Rainer and Mount Baker stood out beautifully against the clear blue sky, and I looked down just in time to see a plane taking off below us.

"Welcome to my office," Corey said. "How does it feel?"

I couldn't stop smiling. "This is unreal!"

Ever since we became friends almost seven years ago, it was mutually decided that Shannon and I would go skydiving once we both turn 18. Because of our busy lives, we had to postpone this plan for a year, but it finally happened! I can't decide if my favorite part was floating over western Washington, or the minute-long free fall from 13,000 feet. Either way, this was the best experience of my life!
Honestly, the scariest part was when we had to sign all the paperwork. Basically, it read "You might be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life, sign here. An extremely painful death may await you, sign here. You could be killed, sign here." But once we finished that, the rest of the afternoon was fear-free!
We were put in a group of about ten people and watched a short video that walked us through how the dive would go, then practiced our arching and landing positions. Shannon and I were in the first mini group, so went to gear up and meet our instructors. Us four jumpers, as well as our four instructors, then boarded the small plane. There were no seats - you just sat on the crowded floor, strapped to your instructor. Shannon and I were positioned in the back of the plane. We then took a twenty-minute scenic flight until we reached the right altitude. I was carefree and excited this entire time, but the butterflies in my stomach arrived when I saw the first jumper and his instructor fall out the door. I turned my head to Shannon, and we were both wide-eyed, but excited smiles soon followed.
Finally, it was our turn. Shannon went first, scooting to the door of the plane. She and her instructor waited for about five seconds before leaning forward and falling out. Then it was my turn. We scooted to the door, and without even a five second notice, we were falling at over 100mph. All I could feel was pure euphoria, laughing uncontrollably as the wind hit my face. Then Corey pulled the chute, and all was calm.
This was an experience I will never forget, though it went by quicker than expected. Therefore, Shannon and I have already decided when we are going skydiving again. I can already feel the addiction forming! Here are some more shots from this amazing afternoon:


To view the rest of my summer bucket list, click here.
To visit my Disney College Program blog, click here.

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