Sunday, February 23, 2014

New York, New York (Part II)

The next morning, I woke up at 9 to shower and get ready. Once I was fully prepared for what the day had in store for me, I realized that everyone else was still sleeping. And being the introvert that I am, I surely did not turn down an opportunity for a bit of alone time. I decided that nothing could be better at this moment than a morning stroll through Central Park! I packed my wallet, camera, and winter gear, then happily headed downstairs to enjoy my first ever morning in New York City.

It was about a ten minute walk from my hotel to the south entrance of Central Park. Everywhere I looked, there were joggers, dog walkers, bikers, and groups of children running around. My goal was to explore every inch of the park! But little did I know, it is a lot bigger than what the movies make it out to be. I walked around the south half of the park for almost two hours, hoping to finally make it to the tourist locations in the north end. However, when I was looking at the ice skating rink for the third time, I realized that I was simply walking in circles. I wanted to blend in with the NY natives, but I finally caved and bought one of those $2 maps of Central Park from a street vendor. I told the man the main places I wanted to go, and he was very helpful in directing me!

As I started on my way, I heard someone call out to me, “Excuse me, ma’am?” I turned, not knowing what to expect. “You dropped your wallet.”

Sure enough, there it was lying on the ground. He bent over, picked it up, and handed it to me. I was baffled – weren't New Yorkers supposed to be selfish, rude, and pompous? I smiled at the man, mumbled a “thank you”, and then headed on my way.

These are the bathrooms in Central Park!

I walked around for hours, my camera in one hand and the map in the other. I saw the Belvedere Castle, Loeb Boathouse, Children’s Zoo, Bethesda Fountain, Bow Bridge, Strawberry Fields with the Imagine mosaic, the mall (which isn’t actually a mall…), and much, much more!

Finally, I hit the most northern point of the park. From there, I exited to the east and walked the straight length of the park down Fifth Avenue. It was the best workout I could ever ask for! By the time I reached the golden Sherman statue and the glass Apple Store, my phone was completely dead. Lovely… Now, my main goal was to find an outlet. I headed into many stores and was repeatedly unsuccessful. I then trekked down a narrow street and into a bagel shop.

Now, I hear New York bagels are good, but they were all under exaggerating! As I sat down at a table, eating my bagels and charging my phone, I was experiencing pure food bliss. I have no idea what this bagel shop was called, but it was just south of the Museum of Modern Art, and west of Fifth Avenue. So delicious!

Next, I walked south down Fifth, looking at all the shops and clothes that I could probably never afford in my lifetime. I passed Trump Tower, Tiffany’s, Bergdorf, Dolce & Gabbana, NBC Studios, Radio City Music Hall, St Regis, and finally stumbled across Rockefeller Center. 

I saw the statue of that man holding the world, the ice rink, the flags, and even the Christmas tree! Although they were still in the process of decorating, so the tree was still covered…  But all I could think of was that scene from Elf when Buddy and Jovie have their first kiss on the ice. Perfect! Right there, I promised myself that I would have an ice skating date on that rink one day. Haha!

After taking enough pictures to satisfy any tourist, I decided to do the unthinkable. I headed down the stairs (after getting lost trying to find the right ones) and into the rumbling, rat-infested abyss. 

To be continued...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New York, New York (Part 1)

All my life, I have dreamed of visiting New York, though I had accepted that it likely would never happen. But in the blink of an eye, I had made it to Walt Disney World, another place I thought I would never see in my life time. So what was stopping me?! In just a few hours, I made the decision and bought my plane ticket. Talk about impulsive.

We first visited Carlo’s Bakery in Hoboken, NJ, which is featured in TLC’s Cake Boss. My Reese’s cupcake was absolutely delicious, but the chocolate covered strawberries were my favorite! With a very sweet lunch in our stomachs, it was finally time to go through the Lincoln Tunnel and into NYC!

That is, until our car began steaming right as we were about to enter the tunnel. After sitting stationary in the far right lane for ten minutes and enduring irritated New York commuters, we pulled off and drove to the ferry dock to let the car cool off. Yes, I was frustrated, but I will always be grateful for this experience because of the beautiful view at the ferry dock! It was simply breathtaking. We hung out and took pictures for about 20 minutes before cautiously heading through the tunnel.

We quickly found a parking garage, locked our car up, and went down the elevator to the main floor. I was awestruck – my first view within the big apple was the New York Times building. One day, I thought, I will be working there! We roamed around, soon finding ourselves in the heart of Times Square. We had finally made it! I felt like a child in a candy store, thriving off of the bustling and overwhelming atmosphere – this had to be a dream, right?

As the skies began to grow darker, the lights grew brighter, and we still didn’t have a place to sleep that night. We hurried to The Paramount, just off of Broadway. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you it was a twenty second walk from the heart of Times Square! After dropping our stuff off, it was time to explore!

I was on the phone when I exited our hotel and stood in front of the building, waiting for the rest of the group. That’s when the screaming began, and all I wanted to do was tell these girls to be quiet. That is, until I noticed why they were going into an absolute frenzy. Right across the narrow two lane street was none other than Orlando Bloom. Less than 30 yards away from me. What?!? I noticed some New York natives walking by like no one was there. Were they blind? Orlando Bloom! Haha, I attempted to suppress the touristy fan girl within me and joined my friends.

Earlier that day, a scalper approached us selling tickets to a comedy show. Naturally, I declined, but the rest of the group was up for adventure! So that night, we got ready and headed to the show. Though I almost fell asleep at one point from exhaustion, I was definitely entertained by the hilarious, and often vulgar, comedians. Unfortunately, we soon found out that there was a drink limit and you had to buy at least two drinks during the show – that’s where they get you! But my virgin daiquiri was delicious so I won’t complain! After the show, we made our way towards our hotel and into the square.

And I thought Times Square was beautiful in the daylight. It was ten times better after midnight with the advertisements illuminating the entire area, and even more people shuffling from store to store.  Soon, we found ourselves a couple blocks away on Fifth Avenue. The shopping temptation was overwhelming, so naturally I indulged in a little Forever 21 and H&M! But as the time approached one or two in the morning, we decided to call it a night.

How could anything top the thrill that I had just experienced?  I could only hope that the next day would impress.

To be continued...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday | Be My Valentine

With Valentine’s Day coming up in nearly 12 hours, I figured it was a suitable topic for this week’s Thoughtful Thursday. Indeed, love is in the air – or at least something is in the air. It is a season of heart shaped boxes of chocolate, enormous bouquets of roses, and stuffed animals galore. Our thoughts become scrambled and suddenly we are either considering which of these items to purchase from the local grocery store, or deciding what kind of ice cream to eat as we watch The Notebook alone tomorrow night.
This holiday, which collects over $14 billion each year in America, has become narrow and meaningless. The material gifts you receive do not determine how much your valentine truly loves you. The amount of ice cream you eat tomorrow will not determine how long you will be single. And this day certainly is not just about the love among couples. (All the single ladies, you hear that?!).

Don’t get me wrong, if you want to shout your love from the rooftops, please do! It is extremely important to express your affection for the one you love, not just on Valentine’s Day, but throughout the year. But I believe it is also important to appreciate those that you love, though not romantically.

If you are single this year, don’t hate on all the couples out there. Will that help you get a boyfriend/girlfriend any sooner? Perhaps this year, you should use that energy to express your love and gratitude to those that have stood by you through the romance-less year. Take your best friend out for ice cream, treat your parents to dinner, or buy your dog that delicious bone he loves so much.

How does that sound?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Growing Up

Like most other kids, I was continually anxious to become an adult. I mean, that is what everything in my life was culminating towards. Fourteen years of sports, hundreds of tests and exams, numberless honors and advanced placement classes, hours of volunteer work, and more extracurricular activities than I could handle. Nearly from birth, I was working to develop skills and gain knowledge that would get me into a suitable university.

Ok, I made it. Now what?

Almost two weeks ago, I walked into the College of Fine Arts and Communications here at BYU, and walked out not three minutes later with a different major.

Last year I was making money dishwashing. Last semester I was making pizzas and frying chicken nuggets at Walt Disney World. Now I’m sitting in a small cubical typing away at my keyboard, writing updates and small articles for BYU Magazine.

In August I flew out of Seattle, not fully comprehending that it was the last time I would live there for any extended period of time. I dropped everything and moved as far away as possible within the country: Florida. And after five short months, I am settled once again in Utah.

Faster than we know it, everything is changing. Before I could even understand where my life was taking me, I was already there.
Today I decide to take a few short minutes to step off of this high speed train and simply watch it as it shoots past me in a blur. I look around at my life, not entirely sure how I got here, and with no idea as to where the train will take me next. Yet despite all of the confusion, I am satisfied. Even though it may travel through a few dark tunnels, pass over some extremely tall mountains, endure through storm after storm, and stop to drop off a few loved passengers here and there, I feel assured that I am going to love where this train takes me. And who knows, maybe we’ll pick up a few straggling travelers in a stop or two, with the hope that some of them will stay on this train until it reaches its final destination.

Yes, I am growing up. Yes, I am traveling on a train moving at a dangerously fast speed. No, I do not know where it is going. So now what?

I look up to see the train slowing to a halt. Before it takes off without me, I step off the platform and into the coach. I find a seat next to a kind stranger, and look out the window to see the vast landscape roll by once again.