Sunday, September 28, 2014


It's been a little over a month, but I am here to tell you all that I will be back and writing this week! And with an exciting Hawaii/Florida vacation series in my back pocket.

I have a lot of exiting events that have happened lately, the most recent of which is the fact that I am writing this from the Little Library on the University of Kentucky campus, an hour after it was supposed to close. We are currently in lockdown after shots were fired on south campus. Luckily, we are on north campus. However, a recent announcement was released saying that the three gunmen fled toward north campus. Yay...

I'm not worried, it has given me time to finish the rest of my homework for the night and contemplate what I think is truly important in my life. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure I'm not in any actual danger. It's just a reflection opportunity. I also have a tendency to downplay the importance of situations sometimes.

Let's all hope no one gets hurt tonight on campus. While we're at it, who is most important to you in your life? Go tell them.