Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Travel Time

I have been working like crazy lately, but I only had a six hour shift today so I thought I'd clue you all in on some good news! But first, let's just lay down some obvious facts.

1. I am travel-deprived. Before Florida, I never had left the Northwest/Midwest.

2. I am impulsive. Skydiving, bridge jumping, the whole nine yards.

3. I am getting a steady flow of paychecks. Having a job tends to do that.

So put it all together, and what do you get?!

You get me randomly buying a plane ticket for November to go to NEW YORK!!!! You have absolutely no idea how excited I am. Of anywhere in the country, NYC is the place I've always wanted to visit the most! I love big cities, and I just feel like I'm going to love it there! My roommate here at the DCP is from New Jersey and lives only about an hour away from the city, so we're going to stay at her house for the five days that we are there. In addition to NYC, we're going to be exploring Philadelphia and parts of New Jersey. And you better bet I'll be lugging along my camera to document the whole thing!

That's what I love about experiences like college, study abroad, or internships. You meet so many people from all over the world, which gives you the chance to learn more about those places, or go experience them for yourself! In two months, New York. Next year? Who knows! Right now, I'm just going with the flow and taking advantage of every opportunity life throws my way!

Read about my experience in New York City HERE!