Considering that it has been nearly a month since my last post, I would like to blame it all on winter break, which just ended this last week. All grades came back, I did relatively well. Apparently the wait-until-the-week-before-finals study method is relatively successful, though I do not advise it to most students.
Anyway, I would just like to share with you all my journey from Seattle to Provo. Contrary to this return trip, my flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle went wonderfully smooth! No troubles whatsoever, and I must say that my favorite part of the flight was the turbulence. It was like a giant, dangerous roller coaster! Yet I was unable to fly back to Salt Lake because I waited too long to purchase my ticket... So the cheapest mode of transportation? Greyhound bus. It would definitely be a new experience for me, just like the plane. Little did I know, it would be a dirtier, smellier, uncomfortable experience.

If you haven't already looked it up, a bus from Seattle to Salt Lake takes 20 hours. Wowwww. So I get to the Seattle station and, after almost being unknowingly escorted onto a bus to Portland, was confronted by a man who looked homeless, to say the least. Apparently he was came from Arkansas, or some other distant state. After initially driving part of the way, his car broke down, he had to sell it for parts to buy a bus ticket, and he was now only an hour away from his family. I will admit, his life sounds a heck of a lot more difficult than mine...
Finally, I boarded my bus and was blessed by the heavens above, because what are the chances that a cute
British sits in the seat behind me
and goes to my school?! I will admit, I did spend much of the 20 hours simply listening to him make conversation with other people.
I did reach Provo eventually, but is there a moral to this story? Let's see... Aha! First, if you meet a cute Brit, don't choke like I did. Second, bring lots of snacks.
If you survived this incredibly long post, I commend you. Do you have a travel journey more interesting than my own? Tell me about it!