Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Paranormal Distribution

Haha! Statistics joke.
So, in light of my 300th page view for my blog, I decided to do a bit of statistical analysis. Well, maybe I just looked at the trends in page views since I started posting in October. And here is the breakdown!

  • Average page views per month (October - December) = 80
  • Month with highest page views = November (86 - I am assuming this is because I had the most posts in this month. Also, I posted one of the posts on my Facebook wall. Hmmm... maybe i'll do that more often).
  • Post with most views = Snow Cones (14 - this just so happens to be the Facebook post I mentioned).
  • Highest traffic source = Facebook (7 page views - the next highest traffic sources are blocked on my computer...should I be worried?)
  • Average page views per day = 3
  • Page views today = 3 (what a surprise!)
  • Total page views = 300

I don't know about you, but this is very interesting to me. Maybe this is a good sign that I should to into statistics... Anywho, I can make a few inferences from this data and this is what I have learned:

  1. Talk about food more often (you all liked the snow cones!)
  2. The more I post, the more views I get (coming soon! 5 posts per day!)
  3. Continue to unknowingly advertise my blog on blocked websites. 
  4. I'm only joking! Maybe.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Today I am going to discuss the dangers of online shopping. And by danger, I don't mean that the seller gets your address and is going to hunt you down and light your house on fire (though you should still be cautious of this...). I mean that it is oh-so dangerous for your bank account! Especially with my level of laziness, it is so simple to just surf the web, see the cutest pair of shoes, and BAM. There they are in a nice package on my doorstep. I can barely even feel the money being drained out of my bank account - just another one of the side effects of debit/credit card use. At least when you use cash, you are more aware of the actual amount of money that you are spending.

Panasonic DJS400 Headphones
Why is this the topic of the day, you may ask? Well, since I recently got a job at the start of the semester, I seem to be more willing to spend what little money I have - and I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet! Exhibit A, the featured picture on this post. Now, these headphones are something I actually do need seeing as mine are good as crap. But the book, game, and iPod touch case from eBay, with which I am currently the highest bidder on all three, aren't as necessary... Let's be honest, I don't even own an iPod touch!!

So this is something I will work on. But who knows, maybe I will look into getting an iPod to go with my brand new headphones (which should get here Tuesday!). What can I say, I earned this money fair and square!

Update (3/2/2013) - So I did end up getting the iPod case (a lovely gift from my roommate!), but it needed a friend. iPod Touch, welcome to my life.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Social Networking

Have you all seen The Social Network? I know, I'm way behind when it comes to movies... I mean, come on, it came out in 2010! Anyway, beside the fact that it starred the ever-so-attractive Andrew Garfield, I was thoroughly entertained! Man, if I was a super genius, knew how to program, and went to Harvard, creating the most popular social network in the world is exactly what I would do in my spare time!

Do you all remember when you first got a Facebook? For me, it was in 2007. I remember a friend of mine said I should create one. We had both just graduated from elementary school (whoa...) and wanted to keep in touch somehow. My response? "Psh, don't you have Myspace?!"

But my friend was a hipster, so I got a Facebook, too. I still remember the old layout, how your wall, profile pic, and feed all showed up on the same page. There was no cover photos or Robot Unicorn Attack (my game of choice!). Indeed, Facebook has evolved tremendously over the past decade, which leads me to wonder, what will be the next big thing?

Fun fact: Justin Timberlake is a co-owner of Myspace. Whaaat?!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Considering that it has been nearly a month since my last post, I would like to blame it all on winter break, which just ended this last week. All grades came back, I did relatively well. Apparently the wait-until-the-week-before-finals study method is relatively successful, though I do not advise it to most students.

Anyway, I would just like to share with you all my journey from Seattle to Provo. Contrary to this return trip, my flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle went wonderfully smooth! No troubles whatsoever, and I must say that my favorite part of the flight was the turbulence. It was like a giant, dangerous roller coaster! Yet I was unable to fly back to Salt Lake because I waited too long to purchase my ticket... So the cheapest mode of transportation? Greyhound bus. It would definitely be a new experience for me, just like the plane. Little did I know, it would be a dirtier, smellier, uncomfortable experience.

If you haven't already looked it up, a bus from Seattle to Salt Lake takes 20 hours. Wowwww. So I get to the Seattle station and, after almost being unknowingly escorted onto a bus to Portland, was confronted by a man who looked homeless, to say the least. Apparently he was came from Arkansas, or some other distant state. After initially driving part of the way, his car broke down, he had to sell it for parts to buy a bus ticket, and he was now only an hour away from his family. I will admit, his life sounds a heck of a lot more difficult than mine...

Finally, I boarded my bus and was blessed by the heavens above, because what are the chances that a cute British sits in the seat behind me and goes to my school?! I will admit, I did spend much of the 20 hours simply listening to him make conversation with other people.

I did reach Provo eventually, but is there a moral to this story? Let's see... Aha! First, if you meet a cute Brit, don't choke like I did. Second, bring lots of snacks.

If you survived this incredibly long post, I commend you. Do you have a travel journey more interesting than my own? Tell me about it! establishedinseattle@gmail.com