Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ordinary Birthday

Five final exams completed, and only one to go. I'm almost there!

So for the record, yesterday was by birthday, though it just felt like any other day because I spent the greater  part of my time studying for finals. However, I must admit that getting As on the two finals I had on my birthday was quite the present! Maybe if today was my birthday, I would have done just as good on the exam I just took...

This got me to wondering, did it feel like any other day because I was furiously shoving my nose into my textbooks, or because it's true what they say about birthdays becoming less and less important the older you get? I mean, I know people don't like getting old, so they ignore their birthdays most of the time, but that's when they're, like, 40! I mean, I still have some milestone birthdays ahead of me. 21, when I can drink (which does not mean I will. I much prefer chocolate milk). 35, when I can run for president (though I'm not one for politics). And 40, when I begin counting backwards for every birthday after that (when I get to 20 again, do I start counting back up?).

No, I have concluded that, were it not for finals week, yesterday would have been a wonderfully special day.  And with Christmas and New Years fast approaching, I am extremely excited to soon be test free and surrounded by old friends and family.

By the way, I have added a new item in the "Recipe" page. It is the comfort food that has most assuredly gotten me through this week: Snickerdoodles.

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