1. A couple of my BEST friends, and the two coolest guys from BYU-I, just happened to be in town for an ultimate frisbee tournament! Spending most of the day with them was crazy fun, as always!

3. I just booked my flight back to Seattle for when the semester is over - which is just over a month away!!
4. I have officially decided that I am going skydiving this summer.
5. So I entered an essay contest a couple months ago, but never heard anything back from them. I just assumed I lost and moved on with my life (I mean, the essay only took me an hour and a half to write, no big deal). But then I got home today and was excited and confused to see an email in my inbox saying they announced the winners - I was one of them!! The cash prizes range from $50 - $300 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The banquet is on March 28th, so I will find out then how much I won!
Ok, time to go count sheep. Goodnight!
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