Well, I should be doing the 5 online quizzes I have due by 10pm tonight, but I can't even concentrate long enough to do that at the moment! I had my phone interview earlier this afternoon for the DCP, and honestly, it went
great! My interviewer was very upbeat and cheerful, I was able to make her laugh quite a few times, and I answered all of the questions she threw at me without missing a beat! I'm surprised that I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. The only show of nerves was when my phone rang and I thought something along the lines of, "Holy crap, is this actually happening? Now?!" But luckily I was able to compose myself in record time!
Usually the questions they ask can allude to the role they are interested in placing you in, but I could not figure it out! She asked me about attractions, food & beverage, main gate, custodial, hopper. And in all honesty, I would be happy with any of these roles!
And now, let the wait begin. Two weeks, I can do it. Though, I've heard of some people hearing back in 4 days, and some in 20 days. The uncertainty is going to be the death of me! Maybe I'll limit how frequently I check my email for a response. Once a day? Twice? Twice, it is.
Of course, being accepted would be the ideal outcome, but when it comes down to it, I am only a freshman and I did only find out about and apply to this program less than a week ago. If it's a no-go for DCP fall, there is always next year!