I have made a miraculous discovery.
I happened upon this website as I was browsing through the YouTube videos of
Zoella. She had purchased a cute bracelet from this site and I thought I would look into it.

As it turns out, this place is fantastic! Basically, it is a site where people can set up an online shop and sell their items to a worldwide audience. Some of the items can be a little pricey, but I was able to find some bargains. As a huge
Harry Potter and
Hunger Games fan, I was sure to browse the "Geekery" section of the website. And, because I'm a girl, I went straight to the jewelry part of this section. I hope this doesn't look tacky, but I took a screenshot of my cart and the items I bought. Here, you can see the crazy low prices for the jewelry, but the catch is shipping and handling. Normally I would have paid about $6 for this haul, but after they tack on another $6 for shipping and handling, it came to a little over $12. But in the end, I thought it was still worth it and made the purchase. I am so excited for these to come in the mail! Once they do, I will be sure to let you know if I am satisfied with the purchase.
But wait, they don't just sell jewelry. You can find anything from electronics to clothing to gift ideas! If you have some free time on your hands, I would definitely check this place out.
And here is a quick video for your viewing pleasure:
How Humans Eat Their Food
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