I had actually begun planning this before I created my bucket list, and it wasn't until yesterday that I finally completed this task. I teamed up with my good friends Jordan and Mollie to produce a mash up of Fix You by Coldplay and Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. It took a couple weeks for me to complete an arrangement, then a couple more weeks as Jordan and I figured out instrumentation and harmonies. We began by recording the instruments first, then I had to edit all of it. When this was done, we were able to record vocals, then I headed to my computer to edit some more.
On top of this, we decided to make a video to post on YouTube, which you can view HERE, or at the end of this post. In the beginning of this video, I explain our inspiration for doing this project, as well as our objectives. In a nutshell, Faith, Jordan's little sister, has a rare childhood autoinflammatory disease (CAID) called Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO), in addition to Juvenile Arthritis. She has had two collapsed vertebras and multiple lesions in her fibula, tibias, sacrum, and femurs. She has also gone through surgeries and radiation treatment. Yet despite all of this, she does not let her disease define her. She always displays a positive, optimistic countenance and is an inspiration to me.
Stop CAID Now is an organization founded by Lisa Moreno-Dickinson, a mother of two boys that suffer just like Faith. CAID is a general classification for 29 different, very rare childhood autoinflammatory diseases. To learn more about Stop CAID Now, visit the corresponding tab at the top of this page, or click HERE.
To help support this cause, purchase our cover song on Bandcamp.com HERE. All proceeds will benefit Stop CAID Now. Thank you!
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