A YouTube challenge is a simple game that vloggers do with friends - in this case, the baby food challenge! All you need is a blindfold and an assortment of baby food. It works best if half the flavors are good and the other half, not as pleasant. Add some challenge to the game by including a baby food that contains multiple foods! Dez and I referred to this type as "a meal". One person is blindfolded while the other feeds them a spoon full of baby food. They then proceed to guess what flavor(s) it is. See, simple! This is also a fun game to play with friends considering baby food is very inexpensive.
Dez and I had 12 different jars of baby food and chose from them at random as we progressed through the game. Lucky me, I got stuck with a few of meat flavors while Dez's gag reflex got a good workout. To watch us do the entire challenge, click
And an update on my travel adventures: I am currently at the SeaTac airport in Seattle. My flight to Miami, originally scheduled to depart at 9:30, has been delayed nearly two hours. Luckily, I am a pretty patient person, and it gave me time to do a quick blog update! I will be sure to post again once I am safely in my hotel in Orlando tomorrow afternoon.
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